Community gathers to give thanks to veterans

Deborah Rose/Buck Oviatt and his wife, Tina, sing the National Anthem, as attendees, including emcee James Delancy, commander of the Andrew B. Mygatt VFW Post 1672 in New Milford, and others stand at attention.
Deborah Rose/Veteran Russ Wheeler places one of the wreaths at the base of the veterans’ memorial at the south end of the Village Green.
Deborah Rose/Veteran Tim O’Connor pays tribute to all veterans after placing the Vietnam wreath during the ceremony.
Deborah Rose/State Representative Bill Buckbee reflects on the meaning of Veterans Day, as Mayor Pete Bass listens on.
Deborah Rose/New Milford VFW Honor Guard members, from left to right, Frank Peet, Bill Wagner, Peter Rossiter, and John Avalone, close out the ceremony.
Deborah Rose/One of the many veterans in attendance at Saturday’s ceremony offers a salute.
Deborah Rose/Gold Star mother, Mimi Leto, reflects as she waits to place the Gold Star wreath during the Veterans Day ceremony.
Deborah Rose/Veteran Martin Schmidt proudly places a wreath at the base of the veterans’ memorial.
Deborah Rose/A crowd gathers as guest speakers address the meaning of Veterans Day.