Pride Picnic: In photos

New Milford Pride held its annual Pride Picnic June 8 on the Village Green. The event featured games, vendor tables, and picnicking.
Deborah Rose/Members of the New Milford Social Services team greeted picnic attendees with bracelets and other goods.
Deborah Rose/A variety of tables with resources and activities for the LGBTQ+ community and allies were on hand.
Deborah Rose/Games such as corn hole were available for picnickers.
Deborah Rose/The south end of the Green was busy with a variety of activities during the event.
Deborah Rose/A splash of color brightened up the Green.
Deborah Rose/An educational display of LGBTQ+ terms was on display at the picnic.
Deborah Rose/Messages of love and understanding were shared by attendees on a poster board.
Deborah Rose/Nick Taricco, left, and Zach Overton enjoy their picnic lunch during the festivities.
Deborah Rose/Attendees found comfort in the shade of trees as they enjoyed their time with each other a the picnic.
Deborah Rose/Pedro Trindade-Gaul, 11 days old, attendance his first Pride Picnic with his parents, Brendan Gaul and Brent Trindade.