One more day to experience New Milford GOAT Days

Deborah Rose/Patti Crispo, chair of New Milford Bee City Committee, talks with Caitlin Weiner, left, and her mom, Sharon Jerome, both of New Milford, at the Bee City booth, where educational material is available.
Deborah Rose/Greg Pye, of Kent, photographs his daughter, Beatrice, 3, as she navigates the hay bales in the goat tent.
Deborah Rose/Thirteen baby goats from Goatboy Soaps soak up the attention of event-goers.
Deborah Rose/Kevin Lane, co-owner of Create A Castle, adds a special message to the castle he built on site at New Milford GOAT Days. Create A Castle recently announced it is working with Disney Cruise Line to provide a port excursion in Magens Bay in St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands.
Deborah Rose/Maeve Paravati, 2, gets some assistance from her mom steadying her head as Village Center for the Arts volunteer Catalina Warner paints her face.
Deborah Rose/An assortment of animals are on view, including sheep cared for by 4-H members.
Deborah Rose/Colin Lipinski, 7, of New Milford demonstrates the strength he used to win a “Bang” hammer from one of the carnival games.
Deborah Rose/An assortment of vendors provide kid- and family-friendly activities. Among them is flower planting, offered by Agriventures Agway in New Milford.
Deborah Rose/New Milford Lions Club member Mike Sennello drives the Lion’s train throughout the festivities.
Deborah Rose/Reed Brewster, 5, of Roxbuy, manages a big scoop of ice cream during a break from his afternoon of entertainment at GOAT Days.
Deborah Rose/This year’s carnival offers expanded attractions.
Deborah Rose/Fair-goers can find an assortment of carnival rides at Young’s Field.
Deborah Rose/Popular snacks such as popcorn, cotton candy and caramel apples are available to purchase.
Deborah Rose/Paige Ruiz, 8, of New Milford, is guided along her pony ride by Quiet Rein Farm’s working student Ella Gardner, front, and horse trainer Kaitlyn Boggio.